While working as a bar manager in the late '90s for Luciano Bardinelli, known as the Godfather of the Italian Restaurant industry in Seattle, I learned how to make the perfect Flaming Spanish Coffee, and that was my signature drink as a bartender for the next several years, at numerous bars and restaurants. Still to this day, I always get a Spanish Coffee after my meal whenever I go out to eat, and it is still my favorite adult beverage.
Today I'm a Business Analyst, but I still love to go out and eat great food, and drink good drinks at some of the finest restaurants and bars around the country. I still always order by Spanish Coffee, but what I have noticed is that very few bars and restaurants actually know how to make them! When they do, it's typically a sub-par version, and it's very upsetting that it's not a staple in bars these days. I've come to the conclusion that I need to start educating the industry about the right way to make these wonderful drinks. For those of you who appreciate the Spanish Coffee as much as I do, I also want to provide a place where we can post about restaurants who really do it right.
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